
Winter Cleanse…Relax, Release, Reset


Join Ayurveda Wellness Healing, LLC, and Four Directions Integrative Health in a guided, at-home 3-day Winter Cleanse.

January 12 – 15, 2020

Winter is a great time of year for a cleanse. This is not just a cleanse, but one that also helps to rejuvenate the body and mind.

Seasonal cleansing rids our bodies of all sorts of toxins, pollutants, harsh chemicals, pesticides, and any other Ama (toxic residue) that our physical body has accumulated over the holiday period. Cleanses will help to purify and tone the internal organs, cells, and tissues of the body, flushing out impurities that aren’t serving us.

* Have you been feeling more sluggish and tired lately
* Is your energy level just not what it used to be
* After you eat, all you want to do is take a nap
* Is your thinking as clear and sharp as you’d like
* Do you have a heavy coating on your tongue
* Do you have foul body, breath and/or stool odor
* Are you experiencing indigestion and excessive flatulence
* Do you have body aches
* Is your mind foggy

An Ayurvedic cleanse focuses on resetting the digestive fire, allowing it to rest and strengthen. The detoxifying nature also supports the body’s own natural mechanisms to remove built up toxins from the body. It’s a bit like cleaning out the pipes when the drain gets clogged, or hopefully even before the drain gets clogged.

Included in cleanse:
6 meals
Cleanse Supplements
Oil and Tridoshic Body Scrub

Cleansing Tea
Email and/or phone support
Massage special

30-minute follow up Ayurveda Consultation by phone

Early Bird sign up by 1/4/20

Investment: $111.00

Late sign up after 1/4/20

To answer any questions, please
email: or
call: 978-395-1234

Healing blessings in health…
Kim, Lynn, Wyndee and Grace


Turmeric Face Mask

Ayurveda Wellness Healing we love the overall benefits of using natural products on ones skin…seeing it is the largest organ of the body.

Make your own #Ayurvedic Mask by using ingredients that are safe to eat…honey, cucumber, almonds, milk, rose water, yogurt and lemon to name a few.

Try our favorite recipe below:

Turmeric Mask:
• 2 tablespoons chickpea flour
• 1/4 teaspoon Triphala powder
• 1/8 teaspoon Turmeric
• 1/4 teaspoon of dried Neem or mint leaves (if using fresh leaves – use 1/2 tablespoon of mashed leaves and mix into your paste)
Mix the above ingredients into a paste and apply to the skin 1-2 times per week for 5-10 minutes, and rinse.

Blockage is disease/Flow is health”

Harbor Dharma Meditation~Study and Reflextion

The Harbor Dharma Group is a Buddhist meditation and study group open to all who seek to wake up in this lifetime. Beginners are encouraged!

Alida Bryant is a Dharma Leader and meditation instructor under the guidance of Anam Thubten. She has been meditation for over 30 years (still very much a beginner!) and studying and practicing Mahamudra, Dzogchen and the Mahayana for over 15 years under Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche, Anam Thubten and Dza Kilung Rinpoche among others.

Suggested Donation: $10

For further information please contact Alida Bryant: or 978.257.1092 or


Sedona Authentic Self Retreat ~

Honor yourself, commit to yourself and return to your Authentic Self in Sedona, AZ….January 22 – 26, 2020

Meet Rebekah…a life coach and Shamanic Healer has been helping people find healing, spiritual guidance and understanding since 2006.  She was born and raised in Camp Verde, AZ and is the founder of Earth Medicine School of Healing Arts.

She specializes in Shamanic Journeying, soul retrieval, animal medicine, drum healing, and medicine wheel teachings.  The path to “permanent” healing consists of forgiveness, understanding the truth and getting the lesson.

She is well educated in Native American history and knows an amazing amount of information about the local area including how they lived and thrived.

Rebekah will lead us in a Shamanic Drum journey helping you find more answers, direction and clarity in your life.  Rebekah will also take us on a Ancestral Land Journey and Ceremony where we will travel to a very scared place near Sedona.  This healing experience will help us on our journey to our Authentic Self.

For more details go to events tab and click on Sedona Retreat.


Sedona Authentic Self Retreat ~

Honor yourself, commit to yourself and return to your Authentic Self in Sedona, AZ, January 22 – 26, 2020

Meet Marleen Wood, a Usui and Lightarian Reiki Master, who will share her light and healing energy in clearing the path for you to return to your true inner self during the Authentic Self Retreat of the Invisible Soul, giving you tools to help you develop and safeguard your sublime energy.  Your heart will start to open as Marleen guides you through Aura and Chakra balancing, yoga and reiki, as you let go of ways that are no longer supporting you.

Meditate on the land, beneath a vortex and experience the energy within you start to open to your true Authentic Self.  You will walk the sacred land and feel like you haven’t felt in a very long time, if ever!

Let your soul speak through the gentleness of your artistic hand as you create from a guided meditation and all without judgement.

Journey within to a place that holds the answers for you.

Join Ayurveda Wellness Healing, LLC, Tia Crystal, Marleen Wood, and Earth Medicine School of Healing Arts, as we hold space for you and witness your true magnificent in the scared land of Sedona, AZ as you return home to your true Authentic Self.

To reserve your spot click on events tab and Type in:  Sedona Retreat or email us at: or 978.395.1234

We look forward to having you join us on this journey.