living in harmony with nature

Spring Cleanse

Have 3 days? Want better health?

Join Ayurveda Wellness Healing, LLC  on our 3-day spring reset to detoxing your mind and body to let your soul shine!

Spring is a perfect time to detox and reset of our digestive fires (Agni) to help remove built up toxins (Ama) from the heavy winter diet.

Our 3-day cleanse will help to reset your digestive fires to help flush out toxins and restore the gut-brain connection to improve your over all health. You will see improvement on fatigue, mental fog, depression, anxiety, and bloating.

As the sister science of Ayurveda, a yoga practice can boost energy in the body. So we encourage you to find a yoga class during the cleanse either online or in person to assist the detox process.

Included in your cleanse:

  • Tea
  • Oils
  • Cleanse Supplements
  • 6-meals
  • Spring Recipes
  • 30-minute follow up consultation
  • 10% off massage
    • Pick up of cleanse kit at our office or can be shipped for flat rate of $9

If not now, when?

“Blockage is disease/Flow is health”


Mercury Retrograde

Expect the unexpected…February 16 to March 9

Mercury retrograde occurs at two levels. At one level, there is not much you can do with the actions of others, except to be more conscious and prepare for delays and errors by double checking.

But at the personal level you can do a lot in order to avoid the consequences of Mercury Retrograde. Most of us encounter the consequences when we are not centered, aware or conscious of what is going on around us, and more often than not the culprit is that we are not acting from our heart and spirit.

Instead we are reacting from our needs, our hurts, from our buttons being pushed, or the way that we take care of others and not ourselves. In that way we act from our shadow, and that is what mercury retrograde is all about.

Mercury Retrograde occurs when it is moving backwards, into its shadow, and thus communication, scheduling, transportation and judgment becomes cloudy or error prone. As much as outer work is challenged by Mercury Retrograde, introspection and inner work is very supported. Take advantage of Mercury Retrograde by clearing your own tendencies to get caught up in your own shadows and those of others.

“Blockage is disease/Flow is health”

Lunch Challenge

Ayurveda Wellness Healing lunch challenge….

Ayurvedically speaking our lunch should be made fresh and be the biggest meal of the day.

Having a big lunch is important because the sun, pitta energy (element of fire, energy of transformation!), and our agni (digestive fire), are all in alignment. This means big, lots o’ fire to digest big, lots o’ food! Our digestive fire is the strongest it will be all day long and it’s looking for a big meal to work on. If we wait to have our biggest meal at dinner, there is no fire left in nature or in us, so the food sits like a big blob in our bellies until the next day. Yuck!

Put the salad down. Salads are popular because they don’t have to be heated, they stay pretty fresh all day, and they are easily carried around. Plus, veggies! Unfortunately, salads are not the best choice from an Ayurvedic perspective because they are cold, light, rough, and can be hard for many people to digest. They can be okay in summer time for some people but overall they don’t give enough staying power for anyone and by 3:00 we’ll be sniffing around for cookies or chocolate.

Choose warm, nourishing foods. If possible, lunch should be warm, full of vegetables, delicious spices and flavors, protein of choice and balanced by what your dosha needs.

Try really hard not to eat at your desk. Multi-tasking and eating do not mix because we confuse our minds. “Am I eating food? Or am I typing? Or am I talking?” says the mind. The focus needs to be on the food so we can taste it, chew it well, and begin the digestive process healthfully (digestion starts in the mouth!). At the very least, step away from your desk and go into a conference room. Play your favorite Pandora or Spotify station to create a nice ambiance.

Bonus points if you can take a leisurely 15-minute walk outside after lunch. It helps the digestive process and keeps our mind nourished. This is not a power walk, it’s a stroll.

If not now, when?


Do you experience bouts of dizziness?

Ginger helps to relieve dizziness and nausea. Studies have shown that it may even be more effective that over-the-counter medications. You can use ginger in the form of supplements. You can also prepare a ginger tea by adding a half inch piece of ginger root to boiling water. Sipping on some ginger ale or chewing on ginger candy is also helpful in treating dizziness.

• When you start feeling dizzy, practice deep breathing. Inhale slowly
and take in more air during each breath. This helps to soothe the nerves and alleviates stress.

Let Ayurveda Wellness Healing help you get to the root cause and begin your path to balancing your body.

Email us at for your private consultation.

“Blockage is disease/Flow is health”

Detox Lentil Soup

Have you been indulging a bit too much, maybe? Feeling like the pipes are getting clogged?

Ayurveda Wellness Healing loves the below Detox Lentil Soup recipe:

Detox Lentil Soup
Makes 2-4 servings

1 cup Lentils

1 cup Red Quinoa, cooked

1/2 cup Onion, chopped

1-2 clove Garlic (or 1/8 teaspoon garlic powder), minced

1-2 teaspoons Ghee (alternatively: coconut, safflower or peanut oil)

1 scant teaspoon Garam Masala (or 1 pinch each: turmeric, coriander, ginger, cinnamon, cumin and/or clove)

1 Carrot, quartered and chopped

1 stalk Celery, cut into small pieces

1 cup Kale, stalks removed, leaves torn into small bits

2 cups Vegetable Broth (I like Pacific Foods Low Sodium)

pinch of Hing (optional)

Coconut or Bragg’s Liquid Aminos, or Tamari (gluten-free) to taste

Rinse lentils and drain. Melt 1 tsp. ghee over medium heat. Sprinkle in spices and sauté one minute. Add onion and cook a few minutes until it softens. Stir in lentils until thoroughly coated. Add carrot, celery, kale and cook a moment. Turn heat to high and add vegetable broth. Bring to a boil, then cover and turn heat to low.

Cook 20-25 minutes. Stir in Hing, optionally. Ladle the quinoa into bowls and pour the soup over. Season with Amino Acids or Tamari to taste.

“Blockage is disease/Flow is health”