
Clearing Full Moon

The moon represents our inner world, our hidden emotions, desires, our shadow-self, fears/worries and our dreams.  It represents our feelings, our unconscious beliefs, the past and our yin or feminine goddess archetype.  The moon offers us the ability to feel, learn from the past and creatively unlock and express our essence.

The Full Moon is a great time to “moon bathe”…yes “moon bathe”!  Go head try it its refreshing.  Sit under the light of the moon & meditate.  As you breathe-in allow the moon to warm your Heart & expand the beauty of the present moment and as you breathe-out let the light of the moon transmute that which you wish to release.  The intense, healing and purifying moonbeam deeply activates energy, bringing dramatic shifts, renewed trust, sacred & fated soul-connections & accelerates major change.

Old cycles are ending, toxic chapters will close, and new beginnings will fill the space.  Have faith & patience with the process while it beautifully unfolds.

Return to your Authentic Self

Honor yourself, commit to yourself and return to your Authentic Self in Sedona, AZ

Meditate on the land, beneath a vortex and experience the energy within you start to open to your true Authentic Self.  Walk the sacred land and feel like you haven’t felt in a very long time, if ever.  Let your soul speak through the gentleness of your artistic hand as you create from a guided meditation and all without judgement.  Experience your heart start to open through Aura and Chakra balancing, yoga and reiki, all while letting go of ways that are no longer supporting you.  Journey within to a place that holds the answers for you.

Join us, as we hold space for you and witness your true magnificent in the scared land of Sedona, AZ as you return home to your true Authentic Self.

Read more and join us…

Sedona is Calling You ~

Kirtan with Nada Brahma

Music that raises consciousness, unites your soul and calms your mind.
Bringing heart and sound together as one infinite rhythmic breath.
Fostering a spirited community using healing vibrations.

This is a meditation group reciting maha mantras and devotional songs in a call & response fashion that heals the heart and mind. Chanting ancient names of sages, saints and masters of the Divine. Come practice and unite your inner expression with us.

Starting this fall, monthly Sādhana at 7:00pm with Nada Brahma Kirtan.
Donation of: $15.00 pp.

Intro to Meditation – 6 session course with Harbor Dharma

Please join us for a 6-session course designed to help you begin or deepen your meditation practice.

Why? Because you may be exhausted by your turbulent emotions dragging you up to highs and down to lows, being led around by the nose by your thoughts. It’s not necessary!! Suffering is optional!

When: 1st & 3rd Tuesdays starts September 17, ends December 3.

Commitment: By attending every session and practicing daily, even if it’s just for 10 minutes, you will insure a successful outcome. You can do this!!

Alida will be using a text called The Relaxed Mindby one of her favorite teachers, Dza Kilung Rinpoche. You can find the text online, and it’s helpful to have it, but not necessary.

The first class begins with our posture – aligning body and mind into a relaxed yet upright and dignified posture. Then, step by step, week by week, we will explore the nature of thoughts and develop the awareness to manage that squirrelly mind!

Having the support of a group is essential to beginning a new habit, as is regular practice. We are limiting it to 10 people so that you have individual guidance and support, yet some good company on this new adventure.

Cost: $75 pre-registration required. Limit 10 people.

Questions? Email Alida Bryant, Instructor, at

Alida Bryant is a DharmaLeader and meditation instructor under the guidance of Anam Thubten. She has been meditating for over 30 years and studying and practicing Mahamudra, Dzogchen and the Mahayana for over 15 years under Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche, Anam Thubten and Dza Kilung Rinpoche among others.[/left]



Intro to Meditation – 6 week course with Harbor Dharma

1ST & 3RD Tuesdays, September – December 6:30 to 8:00 PM     
Ayurveda Wellness Healing, 25C Lexington Ave, Magnolia

What: A 6-session course designed to help you begin or deepen your meditation practice.
Why: Because you may be exhausted by your turbulent emotions dragging you up to highs and down to lows, being led around by the nose by your thoughts. It’s not necessary!! Suffering is optional!
When: 1st & 3rd Tuesdays starts September 17, ends December 3.

Where: Ayurveda Wellness Healing, 25C Lexington Ave, Magnolia, MA
Cost: $75 pre-registration required. Limit 10 people.


[Register Here] AWH logo
Commitment: Attend every session and begin a daily meditation practice, even if it’s for just 10 minutes. You can do this!!
Alida will be using a text called The Relaxed Mindby one of her favorite teachers, Dza Kilung Rinpoche. You can find the text online, and it’s helpful to have it, but not necessary.

The first class begins with our posture – aligning body and mind into a relaxed yet upright and dignified posture. Then, step by step, week by week, we will explore the nature of thoughts and develop the awareness to manage that squirrelly mind!

Having the support of a group is essential to beginning a new habit, as is regular practice. We are limiting it to 10 people so that you have individual guidance and support, yet some good company on this new adventure.

Questions? Email Alida Bryant, Instructor, at