
Harbor Dharma Meditation

This text will challenge us to see in new ways, exposing our hidden assumptions about the world. If we want to cut to the bare essence and value of meditation practice, this text will guide us. I am thrilled to be studying this text again!

For further information please contact Alida Bryant:
info@harbordharma.net or 978.257.1092 or  https://www.meetup.com/Harbor-Dharma/


Turmeric Face Mask

Ayurveda Wellness Healing we love the overall benefits of using natural products on ones skin…seeing it is the largest organ of the body.

Make your own #Ayurvedic Mask by using ingredients that are safe to eat…honey, cucumber, almonds, milk, rose water, yogurt and lemon to name a few.

Try our favorite recipe below:

Turmeric Mask:
• 2 tablespoons chickpea flour
• 1/4 teaspoon Triphala powder
• 1/8 teaspoon Turmeric
• 1/4 teaspoon of dried Neem or mint leaves (if using fresh leaves – use 1/2 tablespoon of mashed leaves and mix into your paste)
Mix the above ingredients into a paste and apply to the skin 1-2 times per week for 5-10 minutes, and rinse.

Blockage is disease/Flow is health”

Winter Reset Cleanse

Have 3 days to give to yourself?

Want better health?
Join us on our 3-day Winter cleanse to detoxing your mind and body to let your soul shine!
Winter is a perfect time to detox and reset of our digestive fires (Agni) to help remove built up toxins (Ama) from all the indulging over the holidays!
Our 3-day Winter Reset will help to reset your digestive fires to help flush out toxins and restore the gut-brain connection to improve your over all health. You will see improvement on fatigue, mental fog, depression and anxiety and bloating.
Dates: January 10 – 13, 2021
Cost: $81 (shipping not included)
*includes, 6 meals, Ghee, cleanse supplements, oil, tea and a private one-on-one follow up consultation!
We ship anywhere so there is no excuse!
If not now, when?
“Blockage is disease/Flow is health”


Intro to Meditation – 6 session course with Harbor Dharma

Please join us for a 6-session course designed to help you begin or deepen your meditation practice.

Why? Because you may be exhausted by your turbulent emotions dragging you up to highs and down to lows, being led around by the nose by your thoughts. It’s not necessary!! Suffering is optional!

When: 1st & 3rd Tuesdays starts September 17, ends December 3.

Commitment: By attending every session and practicing daily, even if it’s just for 10 minutes, you will insure a successful outcome. You can do this!!

Alida will be using a text called The Relaxed Mindby one of her favorite teachers, Dza Kilung Rinpoche. You can find the text online, and it’s helpful to have it, but not necessary.

The first class begins with our posture – aligning body and mind into a relaxed yet upright and dignified posture. Then, step by step, week by week, we will explore the nature of thoughts and develop the awareness to manage that squirrelly mind!

Having the support of a group is essential to beginning a new habit, as is regular practice. We are limiting it to 10 people so that you have individual guidance and support, yet some good company on this new adventure.

Cost: $75 pre-registration required. Limit 10 people.

Questions? Email Alida Bryant, Instructor, at info@harbordharma.net

Alida Bryant is a DharmaLeader and meditation instructor under the guidance of Anam Thubten. She has been meditating for over 30 years and studying and practicing Mahamudra, Dzogchen and the Mahayana for over 15 years under Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche, Anam Thubten and Dza Kilung Rinpoche among others.[/left]



Harbor Dharma Meditation~Study and Reflextion

The Harbor Dharma Group is a Buddhist meditation and study group open to all who seek to wake up in this lifetime. Beginners are encouraged!

Alida Bryant is a Dharma Leader and meditation instructor under the guidance of Anam Thubten. She has been meditation for over 30 years (still very much a beginner!) and studying and practicing Mahamudra, Dzogchen and the Mahayana for over 15 years under Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche, Anam Thubten and Dza Kilung Rinpoche among others.

Suggested Donation: $10

For further information please contact Alida Bryant:
info@harbordharma.net or 978.257.1092 or  https://www.meetup.com/Harbor-Dharma/