
Return to your Authentic Self

Honor yourself, commit to yourself and return to your Authentic Self in Sedona, AZ

Meditate on the land, beneath a vortex and experience the energy within you start to open to your true Authentic Self.  Walk the sacred land and feel like you haven’t felt in a very long time, if ever.  Let your soul speak through the gentleness of your artistic hand as you create from a guided meditation and all without judgement.  Experience your heart start to open through Aura and Chakra balancing, yoga and reiki, all while letting go of ways that are no longer supporting you.  Journey within to a place that holds the answers for you.

Join us, as we hold space for you and witness your true magnificent in the scared land of Sedona, AZ as you return home to your true Authentic Self.

Read more and join us…

Sedona is Calling You ~

The Journey Awaits You . . .

Meet Tia Crystal who will assist in opening your heart to depths you never knew were possible. So blessed to have Tia on this journey with all of us.

Sedona Is Calling You to your Authentic Self. As you walk the sacred land and reconnect with your inner voice you will discover your Authentic Self buried deep inside you. We each have it, but we, unfortunately, have forgotten it. By choosing to be your most authentic and loving self, you leave a trail of love and kindness everywhere you go.

We have a group of amazing healers ready to hold space for you and witness your true magnificent in the sacred land of Sedona, AZ.

Join Ayurveda Wellness Healing, Earth Medicine School of Medicine Healing Arts, Energy Healer – Marleen Wood, and Visionary Artist Tia Crystal on “The Authentic Self Retreat”.

$450 deposit to secure your spot:

  • $1,699.00 per person double occupancy
    $1,999.00 per person single occupancy
    3 meals daily included and so much more!